14 September 2010

Where in lies corporate function in this society except to feed primal insecurities and give into sociologic dog pack mentality?

WSJ printed a pity article today about the inner workings of Goldman Sach's 'partner's' circle and woe are they who will get demoted and become psychologically traumatized. The average salary is $200K annum and partner's make millions per year in bonuses. If you are 'demoted', you lose your bonus. If you are still 'popular', you will be told secretly and given the option for other company roles as non-partner or to have the choice to find another position and exit quietly. If you are not- well, surprise or you might be completely let go. Here's the catch- the psychological justification is to support the newest, hungriest, most profit returning 'talent'- however, they want high turnover to keep things 'fresh'. So each new 'inner' circle is supposed to be decided every 1 to 2 years, by an existing fraction of the current 'inner' circle. Thus, spreadout all over, people like Senator Corzine, Treasury Sec's Rubin and Paulson--- all former 'partners'.
However, think about it-- each 'inner' circle, selects the next inner circle.. etc. Has anyone noticed how in human pack mentality- conformity and group justification, not individuality or leadership, becomes the club's unwritten rules for inner acceptance? It has become the new feudalism selection process-- beyond marriage and chivalry, selling one's soul to the corporate ladder with a little nepotistic assistance seems the way to the privileged life. A new system of 'residency' that will secure the future of the money chain- the same one the general public has been trained to 'invest into', to 'trust', to 'bank with' and to build 'retirement funds' with. The same one the US government 'bailed out' to save the economy with.
Then they breed that trained neo-consciousness without their souls- and move into politics, other executive positions and create new corporations in the likeness and image of their first. They have learned to know one way of life, ‘live to make money’, and cannot step outside the boundaries into the unknown as their lives are conditioned and conditionally lived to served the corporate profit turns.

and many wonder why the system is such a mess—
So how does one help these people find a soul? Do they even want to feel anymore? Have they ever tasted water from a natural stream, watched animals at play outside of a zoo or video, ever felt the joy of completing a task of creative endeavor of their own making? Will they be given a chance to understand or experience the depths of all life has to offer?

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