08 March 2009

housing crisis and economy

originally written Feb 2009

When in deep sleep, it seems I cannot but help be at the mercy of the whispers that haunt from a time long since wiped out of existence from this world. It draws and calls us to action and new ways, new thoughts, new consciousnesses.

In that place, hope divine finds truth. We find then the answers to sustain in this one through the thoughts of such.

So as I meditated fancifully on this, I found an interesting insight that came to me. There is a way to save the housing crisis for many--- not all, but a means to eventually revert the destructive force of the money managers that have taken apart this world to financial doom for a multitude of desperate people.

In that plan, people with some access to funds—could, would--- devise a confidential plan in which they await turns to allow for foreclosures of the area homes at the lowest prices. They could pull their money out of the markets, buy these homes (of their neighbors) at auction or foreclosure status out from the banks at bottom value, locate the family that did live there and rent it back to them (with specially devised 'honest' legal contracts, rental amount for only the principle+ int+ tax+ escrow+ ins/monthly) on a promissory note that the family gets first purchase rights back within 5 yrs at only 7-8% above the foreclosed pricing. Very low returns, but it empowers the community to rightful total ownership again of their homes at a temporary rent, then a monthly payment much less than the original mortgage was--- while the 'community investor' would be able to keep assets and collateral and sell back later. Most likely, it would prove to find better returns than the stock market rates would be during this time. If the original families cannot buy back the home in the allotted time--- the buyer still loses nothing—they would be able to sell it at a slightly higher value to someone than what would have been the previous owner’s discount. Very slow earnings returns, perhaps – but solid returns into the community’s future, as population generates necessity and local economy. The communal needs would create jobs, and local needs. Keeping familiar neighbors and friends creates unity and increased security. The banks no longer have a stake in it, it is a privatized mortgage--- and completely, forms a neighborhood built on true humanity.

Additionally, as neighbors stay, trust builds in a community where all become more familiar faces. Homes that are still on high mortgages sit side by side with those who have been ‘bailed out’ – equalizing the social playing field as well. There is more open opportunity for people to be with each other rather than to be apart—as the jobless crises creates more ‘free’ hours for most, and those that have necessity face them, become creative and turn to necessary skills of maintenance, self gardening, crafting, cooking—to fulfill needs in both requirements and productivity for themselves.

The issues remain are self-egos and designed prejudices by those who are the ‘haves vs. the have nots’. This possessive nature is a sullen reminder of the acquisitions mentality of the past centuries—a left over training from the feudal era when the kings and queens would bid to gain the largest empires. However, it is an elitist jaded and insecure way of life at times—as this possessive mentality creates a greater need for security as the person identifies themselves with the material ‘things’ rather than their inner growth. Time is swept away by attempting to maintain upkeep of such ‘things’, rather than as if to tend a garden that brings life giving rewards.

The quandary then is, ‘how does a society find those special persons of spiritual values who might have the means to fund and carry through such an event of humane actions?’

This question I cannot answer. It is not for lack of faith in humanity; it is because humanity is buried in lack of faith. If there is a miracle to be had, this crisis needs people to find the inner souls that connect us all into realizing our survival begins within us. We need to find our self-trust in order to subjugate homes and local economies back to the local people to tend to their immediate environments, before integrating itself into a larger whole.

It has happened before. And empires fell before as they grew too quickly, while skewing the truths that we are merely human regardless of inventions or possessions. But sometimes, instead of finding unity, we chose reason to bond for means of aggression to relieve our anxiety. We chose to perpetrate a weaker society or ravage earth’s resources for the pleasure of transitory gratification with a new invention. We chose to become primal Darwinist creatures, attacking, destroying, using, and plundering. Yet, we call ourselves proudly modern, within reach of a physically globalized society like never before. And still, we cannot find strength of leadership in government, religion, education, philosophy or basic humanity that does not recognize our advancements are forever undermined by the unwillingness of ourselves to admit we are still ruled by the desires of power. Instead, we become enslaved into the roles of defending our pride in possession, while as pawns we listen to the definition of freedom by those in corporate and political power. Perhaps it might be the time to seek our own truths and mold our reality to real human values with genuine intent for our brothers and sisters. Perhaps, it is time we choose to understand why we seek a golden calf to represent the value of ourselves, rather than fulfilling our destinies to ourselves and to the whole of humanity.

In this mindset, we could truly and simply only be receiving messages and thoughts from another dimension, the creative one that exists in our drive to survive each life. In that world, there is no worry of problems with globalization and economies – as the universe knows only the knowledge of symbiosis and energy exchanges, for sustainability. Growth through shared experience and divine counterbalance, not more or less than that--- to constantly scatter and seek and reinvent the pathways; it is not about the success or accumulation of a single entity—it is, about the multitude of sharing moments. It does not mean eliminating the parties and joy--- it means inviting more people. It means, enjoying humanity to the fullest. It means, allowing ourselves full access to being human.

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