11 May 2019

*Originally written 2003*


We live in a time of chaos and computers, globalized economies and currency numbers. The jaded cycles of 9 to 5 (ie: actually 8:30-9p or more, as the 70+ hr week is the norm for many today), corporate climbers drive --we seat ourselves in the expectations of the children's soccer teams and ivy league admissions, the BMW x2 and then, being politically correct and conscientiously green while perfecting ourselves with organics, yoga meditation and fitness routines and meeting requirements for social engagements (church, community or business and friends.) We have the part of the machine that we must fulfill when we play our roles -- the one that shackles and binds us within our very innermost thoughts --- our subconscious -- the center of our mind. It's a place of no rules, it's a place that connects to more than the body we are in -- it runs free, it runs wild, no boundaries, speaking before thinking, knowing before learning, laughing before crying and dancing before moving. It knows not time, not greed, not hate, not worry, not anger. It is still burning with the power of the origin, the divine, the universe-- it is still mysterious. It learns to communicate with the conscious that tries to teach it the things of this world, of food, clothing, people, of cars, of houses, of desires. It asks of the consciousness for one thing - to communicate and understand, to live and experience, grow and work from a place of this understand, a place of love and freedom. To nurture the communication and understanding, the consciousness must be free of constraints from fear, obsessions with competition and aggression, hate, anger, judgement, guilt, desperation, superiority issues, insecurities, and from any self-damnation. These are the negative emotions that work like trapdoors that open at inopportune moments to drive away the communication between the waking conscious self and the aware, but silent, unconscious self.

The unconscious self is the seat of the soul, a part of perfect beauty and absolute light. It understands what the universe relates to it --- then tries to convey that message to our waking self. From there, stunning and inconceivable ideas are born -- it is perhaps the yin (the dark night but passive feminine places from which things are born) -- and very extremely sensitive, but it is strong because it is sacred. When the message is allowed and sent, to be clearly and intentionally born into the physical world, amazing artistic creations happen with a divine touch that is beyond the conscious human's realm. To create is almost a law of nature; it is an underlying drive of life. Creation is to emulate the divine and mystery, it is to give life, it is survival, and it is a guaranteed mark of our permanence in this chaos. It needs neither audience nor approval - but does require love from the source. It simply wants to exist in the here and now after translation from the origins of the unconscious. But in the complexities of life that is human --- the conscious is not so perfect to easily receive or create from a place of unconditional love. The consciousness sometimes has been taught to fear things of 'unknown': the un-conscious, the un-done, the un-resolved, un-certainty, un-conditionality and the un-explained. So it fights fiercely to bring out fear and judgment - with anger and isolation - things that disrupt the flow of beauty and truth. Thus the struggle of yin and yang, for one to dance into the center spotlight, to fight for the lead stage presence --- begins. The battle within weakens the body and strains the mind. The consciousness is overwhelmed and the unconscious does not understand. It can be subtle or pronounced, but it is the riddle of all who are human to find the peace that would quell the raging lightning storms within. As with any war, seeds of negativity always produce casualties on all sides. And in misunderstandings and mistranslations, much is lost. But also true of conflicts, as time marches forward, so our moments are temporary and cannot last -- providing us with a final treasure of hope. It is within that hope that peace does follow - and the balance of yin and yang restored, to bring the masterpieces intended by the universe to physical fruition.

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